

Ok, I doubt any Grand Prix drivers are wearing our hats, at least not while they're racing. 

But I bet they would love one of them when they're off duty! 

This is one of my own photos from the last Baltimore Grand Prix. I just like to show it off.   He's doing about 185MPH on the back stretch; that's a tough photo to get right.

Do you know the most beautiful drive in the country?  That would be the Pacific Coast Highway up along the coast of California from about San Luis Obispo to Monterrey. 

As much as we love Miami, there is something about mountains falling into the sea that stirs the soul.  Planning a topless cruise on the PCH? This drive is one of the wonders of the world. Don't believe us? Ask National Geographic.  

Keeping the top down is terrific but be sure and keep the top of your head well covered with a driving cap from Miami Hat Shop.  Go see Big Sur and take our hat with you.